Canada Events Calendar 2018-10-29

Undead Army (Zombie Walk)

Location: Toronto, Ontario

Banding together for the love of zombies and halloween, join us on our march for the Toronto Zombie Walk at Nathan Phillips Square. We have built a chariot to be pulled by the undead (who for safety reasons will be kept on chains). The more zombies the better as we will also be joined by a professional photographer. 

Toronto Chocolate Festival

Location: Toronto, Ontario

The Deliriously Delicious Toronto Chocolate Festival. This is the event where chocolate is featured in many of its magnificent and tasty forms. 

St. Clair West Zombie Walk

Location: Toronto, Ontario

This Zombie Walk will start at Wells Hill Park which is located across the street from St. Clair West Subway Station and will make its way across St. Clair West. 

Halloween Haunt at Canada's Wonderland

Location: Toronto, Ontario

Every weekend night, evil takes over the park. Zombies, Psychotic clowns and other twistedness that will haunt you and your friend's dreams. This event is too intense for anyone under the age of 13. Or anyone, for that matter.

Halloween Ghost Train in Stanley Park

Location: Vancouver, British Columbia

Each year the Stanley Park Ghost Train takes our riders on a journey through a mystical and magical world, themed by Halloween and other creepy tales. 

Brockton Zombie Walk

Location: Toronto, Ontario

The Toronto Zombie Walk last terrorized our city in 2014. Though the popular city-wide event has ended, their organization has encouraged Torontonians to have our own neighborhood walks this year. Our Brockton event details will be posted on the official Zombie Walk website. 

Veggie Lover Zombie Walk

Location: Toronto, Ontario

What happens when Veggie lovers turn into Zombies? Well, I say that we would still love veggies even after death. But some may say we now want to eat humans. It's up to you.